8th March 2008. Is a voting date and the day for Malaysian to decide for their future.. (: This is my first time. I have to wake up early in the morning and go for it! *sigh*
After a month and a week of internship, I started to feel that working is not for me :p. I totally prefer studying. Honestly! Aduhai susahnye jd pekeje ni. Nak jadi boss pun lagi la susah+penat melayan kerenah pekerja yang macam-macam. Ni ape yang aku rase bezenye Working and Studying..
Working is even sucker when u have to come to work when there's no work to be done that day. Frustrating I tell u! U just sit around, forcing helplessly for the eyelid to open all the time and not caught lazyboning :| The only good thing when working is at the end of the month, u gain money. i love money..but i am not materialistic tau. Yeah Baby :D
So Im planning to get a job which requires very less job with high high pay and no fix working hours heheh! Anyone?? ;;)